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  1. Hello i am very new to all of this and im having some trouble during the actual build process. I love world of warcraft and have played since launch but never knew there was such an in depth modding community and would love to learn to code C++ and manipulate my own version of Azeroth; thus my reasoning for all of this and i have done well up too this point with conquering most issues. This is the first really big wall, I am using Visual Studios 16 2019 I also do have the Visual Studio 14 2015 installed and available. My issue is at the completion of the build i get this error. 23>LINK : fatal error LNK1181: cannot open input file '..\database\Release\database.lib' 23>Done building project "worldserver.vcxproj" -- FAILED. 24>------ Build started: Project: ALL_BUILD, Configuration: Release x64 ------ 24>Building Custom Rule C:/Trinity/Source/CMakeLists.txt ========== Build: 21 succeeded, 3 failed, 0 up-to-date, 0 skipped ========== I am very new to this and read somewhere it may be something to do with "linking"? I need help i don't think i have missed any steps i even have all the DLL.s ready to go and the database sitting in wait. Everything builds properly but there is nothing but the extractors in my Build/bin/release/ . I have tried to delete both build and source folders and restart multiple times, i have tried to use the Visual studios 14 2015 instead but get the same error. I have done the entire process from pulling the source to the build 4 times over now but have not had success. This is the GitHub Ext i am using - https://github.com/TrinityCore/TrinityCore I have only recently downloaded all the required tools and as such they should all be up to date i tried to follow the guides to make sure i had the proper versions but ran into errors since files have been updated to upgraded all programs that required it. I am compiling everything as x64 as that is my windows version. I can provide more details if needed. EDIT++ I installed SSL 32 aswell and it seems to have made a difference i also reinstalled the newest version of MYSQL 5.7 now i am getting a different error though I have seen this error in another thread but the images posted for it are no longer reachable via the links. I apologize as i do not know how to post directly from visual studios.... this is the error message i am getting now it is long. 23> Creating library C:/Trinity/Build/src/server/worldserver/Release/worldserver.lib and object C:/Trinity/Build/src/server/worldserver/Release/worldserver.exp 23>database.lib(MySQLThreading.obj) : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol mysql_server_init referenced in function "void __cdecl MySQL::Library_Init(void)" (?Library_Init@MySQL@@YAXXZ) 23>database.lib(MySQLThreading.obj) : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol mysql_server_end referenced in function "void __cdecl MySQL::Library_End(void)" (?Library_End@MySQL@@YAXXZ) 23>database.lib(DatabaseWorkerPool.obj) : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol mysql_get_client_info referenced in function "public: __cdecl DatabaseWorkerPool<class CharacterDatabaseConnection>::DatabaseWorkerPool<class CharacterDatabaseConnection>(void)" (??0?$DatabaseWorkerPool@VCharacterDatabaseConnection@@@@QEAA@XZ) 23>database.lib(MySQLConnection.obj) : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol mysql_get_client_info 23>database.lib(DatabaseWorkerPool.obj) : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol mysql_get_client_version referenced in function "public: __cdecl DatabaseWorkerPool<class CharacterDatabaseConnection>::DatabaseWorkerPool<class CharacterDatabaseConnection>(void)" (??0?$DatabaseWorkerPool@VCharacterDatabaseConnection@@@@QEAA@XZ) 23>database.lib(DatabaseWorkerPool.obj) : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol mysql_thread_safe referenced in function "public: __cdecl DatabaseWorkerPool<class CharacterDatabaseConnection>::DatabaseWorkerPool<class CharacterDatabaseConnection>(void)" (??0?$DatabaseWorkerPool@VCharacterDatabaseConnection@@@@QEAA@XZ) 23>database.lib(QueryResult.obj) : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol mysql_fetch_fields referenced in function "public: __cdecl PreparedResultSet::PreparedResultSet(struct MySQLStmt *,struct MySQLResult *,unsigned __int64,unsigned int)" (??0PreparedResultSet@@QEAA@PEAUMySQLStmt@@PEAUMySQLResult@@_KI@Z) 23>database.lib(MySQLConnection.obj) : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol mysql_fetch_fields 23>database.lib(QueryResult.obj) : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol mysql_error referenced in function "public: bool __cdecl ResultSet::NextRow(void)" (?NextRow@ResultSet@@QEAA_NXZ) 23>database.lib(MySQLConnection.obj) : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol mysql_error 23>database.lib(QueryResult.obj) : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol mysql_free_result referenced in function "public: __cdecl PreparedResultSet::PreparedResultSet(struct MySQLStmt *,struct MySQLResult *,unsigned __int64,unsigned int)" (??0PreparedResultSet@@QEAA@PEAUMySQLStmt@@PEAUMySQLResult@@_KI@Z) 23>database.lib(MySQLConnection.obj) : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol mysql_free_result 23>database.lib(QueryResult.obj) : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol mysql_fetch_row referenced in function "public: bool __cdecl ResultSet::NextRow(void)" (?NextRow@ResultSet@@QEAA_NXZ) 23>database.lib(QueryResult.obj) : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol mysql_fetch_lengths referenced in function "public: bool __cdecl ResultSet::NextRow(void)" (?NextRow@ResultSet@@QEAA_NXZ) 23>database.lib(QueryResult.obj) : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol mysql_stmt_fetch referenced in function "public: __cdecl PreparedResultSet::PreparedResultSet(struct MySQLStmt *,struct MySQLResult *,unsigned __int64,unsigned int)" (??0PreparedResultSet@@QEAA@PEAUMySQLStmt@@PEAUMySQLResult@@_KI@Z) 23>database.lib(QueryResult.obj) : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol mysql_stmt_store_result referenced in function "public: __cdecl PreparedResultSet::PreparedResultSet(struct MySQLStmt *,struct MySQLResult *,unsigned __int64,unsigned int)" (??0PreparedResultSet@@QEAA@PEAUMySQLStmt@@PEAUMySQLResult@@_KI@Z) 23>database.lib(QueryResult.obj) : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol mysql_stmt_bind_result referenced in function "public: __cdecl PreparedResultSet::PreparedResultSet(struct MySQLStmt *,struct MySQLResult *,unsigned __int64,unsigned int)" (??0PreparedResultSet@@QEAA@PEAUMySQLStmt@@PEAUMySQLResult@@_KI@Z) 23>database.lib(QueryResult.obj) : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol mysql_stmt_free_result referenced in function "public: __cdecl PreparedResultSet::PreparedResultSet(struct MySQLStmt *,struct MySQLResult *,unsigned __int64,unsigned int)" (??0PreparedResultSet@@QEAA@PEAUMySQLStmt@@PEAUMySQLResult@@_KI@Z) 23>database.lib(QueryResult.obj) : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol mysql_stmt_error referenced in function "public: __cdecl PreparedResultSet::PreparedResultSet(struct MySQLStmt *,struct MySQLResult *,unsigned __int64,unsigned int)" (??0PreparedResultSet@@QEAA@PEAUMySQLStmt@@PEAUMySQLResult@@_KI@Z) 23>database.lib(MySQLConnection.obj) : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol mysql_stmt_error 23>database.lib(QueryResult.obj) : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol mysql_stmt_num_rows referenced in function "public: __cdecl PreparedResultSet::PreparedResultSet(struct MySQLStmt *,struct MySQLResult *,unsigned __int64,unsigned int)" (??0PreparedResultSet@@QEAA@PEAUMySQLStmt@@PEAUMySQLResult@@_KI@Z) 23>database.lib(MySQLConnection.obj) : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol mysql_stmt_num_rows 23>database.lib(MySQLConnection.obj) : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol mysql_field_count referenced in function "public: bool __cdecl MySQLConnection::_Query(char const *,struct MySQLResult * *,struct MySQLField * *,unsigned __int64 *,unsigned int *)" (?_Query@MySQLConnection@@QEAA_NPEBDPEAPEAUMySQLResult@@PEAPEAUMySQLField@@PEA_KPEAI@Z) 23>database.lib(MySQLConnection.obj) : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol mysql_affected_rows referenced in function "public: bool __cdecl MySQLConnection::_Query(char const *,struct MySQLResult * *,struct MySQLField * *,unsigned __int64 *,unsigned int *)" (?_Query@MySQLConnection@@QEAA_NPEBDPEAPEAUMySQLResult@@PEAPEAUMySQLField@@PEA_KPEAI@Z) 23>database.lib(MySQLConnection.obj) : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol mysql_errno referenced in function "public: bool __cdecl MySQLConnection::Execute(class PreparedStatementBase *)" (?Execute@MySQLConnection@@QEAA_NPEAVPreparedStatementBase@@@Z) 23>database.lib(MySQLConnection.obj) : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol mysql_set_character_set referenced in function "public: virtual unsigned int __cdecl MySQLConnection::Open(void)" (?Open@MySQLConnection@@UEAAIXZ) 23>database.lib(MySQLConnection.obj) : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol mysql_init referenced in function "public: virtual unsigned int __cdecl MySQLConnection::Open(void)" (?Open@MySQLConnection@@UEAAIXZ) 23>database.lib(MySQLConnection.obj) : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol mysql_real_connect referenced in function "public: virtual unsigned int __cdecl MySQLConnection::Open(void)" (?Open@MySQLConnection@@UEAAIXZ) 23>database.lib(MySQLConnection.obj) : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol mysql_query referenced in function "public: bool __cdecl MySQLConnection::Execute(char const *)" (?Execute@MySQLConnection@@QEAA_NPEBD@Z) 23>database.lib(MySQLConnection.obj) : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol mysql_store_result referenced in function "public: bool __cdecl MySQLConnection::_Query(char const *,struct MySQLResult * *,struct MySQLField * *,unsigned __int64 *,unsigned int *)" (?_Query@MySQLConnection@@QEAA_NPEBDPEAPEAUMySQLResult@@PEAPEAUMySQLField@@PEA_KPEAI@Z) 23>database.lib(MySQLConnection.obj) : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol mysql_ping referenced in function "public: void __cdecl MySQLConnection::Ping(void)" (?Ping@MySQLConnection@@QEAAXXZ) 23>database.lib(MySQLConnection.obj) : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol mysql_get_server_info referenced in function "public: virtual unsigned int __cdecl MySQLConnection::Open(void)" (?Open@MySQLConnection@@UEAAIXZ) 23>database.lib(MySQLConnection.obj) : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol mysql_get_server_version referenced in function "protected: unsigned int __cdecl MySQLConnection::GetServerVersion(void)const " (?GetServerVersion@MySQLConnection@@IEBAIXZ) 23>database.lib(MySQLConnection.obj) : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol mysql_options referenced in function "public: virtual unsigned int __cdecl MySQLConnection::Open(void)" (?Open@MySQLConnection@@UEAAIXZ) 23>database.lib(MySQLConnection.obj) : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol mysql_real_escape_string referenced in function "public: unsigned __int64 __cdecl MySQLConnection::EscapeString(char *,char const *,unsigned __int64)" (?EscapeString@MySQLConnection@@QEAA_KPEADPEBD_K@Z) 23>database.lib(MySQLConnection.obj) : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol mysql_stmt_init referenced in function "protected: void __cdecl MySQLConnection::PrepareStatement(unsigned int,class std::basic_string<char,struct std::char_traits<char>,class std::allocator<char> > const &,enum ConnectionFlags)" (?PrepareStatement@MySQLConnection@@IEAAXIAEBV?$basic_string@DU?$char_traits@D@std@@V?$allocator@D@2@@std@@W4ConnectionFlags@@@Z) 23>database.lib(MySQLConnection.obj) : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol mysql_stmt_prepare referenced in function "protected: void __cdecl MySQLConnection::PrepareStatement(unsigned int,class std::basic_string<char,struct std::char_traits<char>,class std::allocator<char> > const &,enum ConnectionFlags)" (?PrepareStatement@MySQLConnection@@IEAAXIAEBV?$basic_string@DU?$char_traits@D@std@@V?$allocator@D@2@@std@@W4ConnectionFlags@@@Z) 23>database.lib(MySQLConnection.obj) : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol mysql_stmt_execute referenced in function "public: bool __cdecl MySQLConnection::Execute(class PreparedStatementBase *)" (?Execute@MySQLConnection@@QEAA_NPEAVPreparedStatementBase@@@Z) 23>database.lib(MySQLConnection.obj) : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol mysql_stmt_bind_param referenced in function "public: bool __cdecl MySQLConnection::Execute(class PreparedStatementBase *)" (?Execute@MySQLConnection@@QEAA_NPEAVPreparedStatementBase@@@Z) 23>database.lib(MySQLConnection.obj) : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol mysql_stmt_close referenced in function "protected: void __cdecl MySQLConnection::PrepareStatement(unsigned int,class std::basic_string<char,struct std::char_traits<char>,class std::allocator<char> > const &,enum ConnectionFlags)" (?PrepareStatement@MySQLConnection@@IEAAXIAEBV?$basic_string@DU?$char_traits@D@std@@V?$allocator@D@2@@std@@W4ConnectionFlags@@@Z) 23>database.lib(MySQLPreparedStatement.obj) : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol mysql_stmt_close 23>database.lib(MySQLConnection.obj) : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol mysql_stmt_result_metadata referenced in function "public: bool __cdecl MySQLConnection::_Query(class PreparedStatementBase *,class MySQLPreparedStatement * *,struct MySQLResult * *,unsigned __int64 *,unsigned int *)" (?_Query@MySQLConnection@@QEAA_NPEAVPreparedStatementBase@@PEAPEAVMySQLPreparedStatement@@PEAPEAUMySQLResult@@PEA_KPEAI@Z) 23>database.lib(MySQLConnection.obj) : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol mysql_stmt_field_count referenced in function "public: bool __cdecl MySQLConnection::_Query(class PreparedStatementBase *,class MySQLPreparedStatement * *,struct MySQLResult * *,unsigned __int64 *,unsigned int *)" (?_Query@MySQLConnection@@QEAA_NPEAVPreparedStatementBase@@PEAPEAVMySQLPreparedStatement@@PEAPEAUMySQLResult@@PEA_KPEAI@Z) 23>database.lib(MySQLConnection.obj) : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol mysql_autocommit referenced in function "public: virtual unsigned int __cdecl MySQLConnection::Open(void)" (?Open@MySQLConnection@@UEAAIXZ) 23>database.lib(MySQLConnection.obj) : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol mysql_more_results referenced in function "public: class PreparedResultSet * __cdecl MySQLConnection::Query(class PreparedStatementBase *)" (?Query@MySQLConnection@@QEAAPEAVPreparedResultSet@@PEAVPreparedStatementBase@@@Z) 23>database.lib(MySQLConnection.obj) : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol mysql_next_result referenced in function "public: class PreparedResultSet * __cdecl MySQLConnection::Query(class PreparedStatementBase *)" (?Query@MySQLConnection@@QEAAPEAVPreparedResultSet@@PEAVPreparedStatementBase@@@Z) 23>database.lib(MySQLConnection.obj) : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol mysql_close referenced in function "public: virtual __cdecl MySQLConnection::~MySQLConnection(void)" (??1MySQLConnection@@UEAA@XZ) 23>database.lib(MySQLPreparedStatement.obj) : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol mysql_stmt_param_count referenced in function "public: __cdecl MySQLPreparedStatement::MySQLPreparedStatement(struct MySQLStmt *,class std::basic_string<char,struct std::char_traits<char>,class std::allocator<char> >)" (??0MySQLPreparedStatement@@QEAA@PEAUMySQLStmt@@V?$basic_string@DU?$char_traits@D@std@@V?$allocator@D@2@@std@@@Z) 23>database.lib(MySQLPreparedStatement.obj) : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol mysql_stmt_attr_set referenced in function "public: __cdecl MySQLPreparedStatement::MySQLPreparedStatement(struct MySQLStmt *,class std::basic_string<char,struct std::char_traits<char>,class std::allocator<char> >)" (??0MySQLPreparedStatement@@QEAA@PEAUMySQLStmt@@V?$basic_string@DU?$char_traits@D@std@@V?$allocator@D@2@@std@@@Z) 23>C:\Program Files (x86)\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.7\lib\libmysql.lib : warning LNK4272: library machine type 'x86' conflicts with target machine type 'x64' 23>C:\Trinity\Build\bin\Release\worldserver.exe : fatal error LNK1120: 42 unresolved externals 23>Done building project "worldserver.vcxproj" -- FAILED. 24>------ Build started: Project: ALL_BUILD, Configuration: Release x64 ------ 24>Building Custom Rule C:/Trinity/Source/CMakeLists.txt ========== Build: 22 succeeded, 2 failed, 0 up-to-date, 0 skipped ==========
  2. Titans-WoW is an up and coming Multi Realm project with plans of becoming a high quality WorldofWarcraft Project, We Released Battle Royal Realm on 17th of November, We will be opening our re-worked WOTLK realm for beta testing in the spring of 2020 We are searching for developers who would be interested in being part of and volunteering as a member of our friendly staff team and a growing community! We are searching for individuals with the following skill sets: - SQL Programming skills - Experience working with Trinity Core - C++ Programming Skills - C# Programing Skills -Designing Skills "Launcher,Custom login Screens, Noggit (possible Paid) Just some personal requirements: - Must be able to work in a team environment -Must be able to take direction and work under low supervision - Must be committed to the server and passionate about the game - Must be able to speak English - Please keep in mind that the position is voluntary. To contact us simply follow this link to our Discord server: https://discord.gg/vf5zWDT or contact Revolve on Discord directly. Revolve#2637
  3. Thanosdk's Blizzlike Repack 3.3.5a This is a pure TrinityCore Repack, Blizzlike, nothing edited, nothing added, nothing removed. I decided to start this little project, nothing major. This will be updated when I feel like and have some free time. I will not post percents of whats working and not, you can check that within the TrinityCore Commits and the bugtracker as well. I will upload maps & vmaps separately, each time I update this repack i'll update the maps and vmaps if needed as well. For mmaps you can always find the latest on Jeutie's thread or even better extract them yourself, I dont have the time to do that. Enough chit chat, here is the repack: x86 Compile TrinityCore Rev. 0e82890 TDB 335.58 Blizzlike AHBot as part of TrinityCore (Disabled by default) Automatic Databases Update System (Disabled by default) GM Account: admin/admin Mysql Account: root/ascent Repack Download: Repack Maps Download: Maps Vmaps Download: Vmaps Quick How-To Download and extract the repack anywhere you want. Download maps and vmaps and extract them as well, put the extracted folders within the Core folder of the Repack. Open the _Server folder within the Repack and launch Mysql.bat (Apache.bat is optional for accounts) Within the core folder launch authserver and worldserver Set your realmilist to within your client folder by editing realmlist.wtf file in Data/Enxx/ folder with notepad and save. Login with admin/admin Enjoy Enjoy! Credits to Jeutie for the portable mysql/apache. TrinityCore for their hard work over the years.
  4. Hello people! Core Download: Core Server[Mysql,Apache..etc] Download: Server DBC , MMAPS , MAPS , VMAPS Info: ● TrinityCore 3.3.5a ● Repack is good for use Instant 80 server ● Arena Spectator Allow Spectate Rated Arena Games with / 1v1 Spectate / 2v2 spectate / 3v3 / specific spectate ● 1v1 Rated Arena And skirmish ● Pathfiding ● Instant Cast Before start Arena ● Crossfaction ● Enchanter NPC ● Professions NPC ● <GM>SYMBOLIXDEV / <DEV>SYMBOLIXDEV Tags in Who list ● Teleporter NPC [ MENUS ] Morph , buff , titles view , and teleport menu + exchanger service + player tools ● Enchanter NPC with Stats + Good Icons ● Beastmastery NPC ● Profession Giver NPC For learn 450 profession ● Duel Reset for Remove cooldown On duel end heal you and give to you full mana + give to winner buffs and 650 honor + badge ● CC Delay ● Transmogrification NPC ● Top 10 Arena teams NPC ● Auto Learn On level up ! Spells , Mounts! ● Trainer NPC with 1 click train all spells adding now Reset my Talents + Reset my Pet talents ● Boss Announcer ● Arena System On Battleground or Arenas give a badge for Killer ● Faction Chat ● KillStreak System ● Login Script with Announce ● Arena Fast Start Crystal ● Arena Anticheat (Wintrade) System ● Implementation: Soulwell and Mage Eat in Arena object ● MultiVendor with Awesome MultiVendor NPC ● Instant Cast Glyph+Enchants ● Increase Rogue Poison / Shaman enchantments duration to 1 Week ● Adding a website ! [Website screenshot] Fix's: ● Fix Glyph of Envenom ● Fix Shadowform ● Fix Master Call ● Fix Living Bomb ● Fix Feral Charge and Beacon of Light Combat ● Fix Death and Decay disappearing ● Fix Glyph of Death Strike ● Fix felhunter's Spell Lock ● Fix Fear bug - temporal ● Fix Sacred Shield ICD ● Fix Block Value ● Fix Mage - Shattered Barrier activating on Dispel ● Fix Gargoyle Target ● Fix Shadowdance being removed once Vanish or Stealth is used. ● Fix Despawn of Ooze ● Fix Hunter Trap Visibility - Gameobjects like Shadow Sight taken on Stealth ● Fix Warlock: Glyph of Succubus - Improved Succubus (Talent). ● Fix 2 Crash ● 2 Auth Flood Protection [DoS] ● WoW Addin Flood Protection Datebase : Username: root Password: Ascent Port: 3306 Ingame: Username: 123 Password: 123 Start mysql > Open HiediSQL > auth > realmlist change with for public with your ip ! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Credits: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Jeutie for ( dbc, Maps, Mmaps, Vmaps, MySQL & Apache ). Rochet2 Transmorgrification and MultiVendor Parranoia for (Enchanter NPC). Arena Spectator [by : Walkline ] SymbolixDEV for update Arena Fast Start Crystal by Saqirmdev Boss announcer by?? Faction Chat by???? Teleporter by SymbolixDEV Login Script by SymbolixDEV Duel Reset by SymbolixDEV Arena System by SymbolixDEV Top 10 Arena Teams by ?? 1v1 Rated arena by: Teiby Crossfaction by: LilleCarl Beastmastery by ?? Killstreak system by??
  5. Hello All, I know a lot of people have problems with applying this script, so I am writing a guide on how to manually add the 1v1 arena script! This will work with the latest version of TrinityCore (335.58). Any problems, just reply in the thread or start a support thread. Enjoy ------------ /src/server/game/Battlegrounds/ArenaTeam.cpp Find: case ARENA_TEAM_2v2: return 0; case ARENA_TEAM_3v3: return 1; case ARENA_TEAM_5v5: return 2; Replace with: case ARENA_TEAM_2v2: return 0; case ARENA_TEAM_3v3: return 1; case ARENA_TEAM_5v5: return 2; case ARENA_TEAM_1v1: return 3; // Custom 1v1 Arena Rated Find: // Type penalties for teams < 5v5 if (Type == ARENA_TEAM_2v2) points *= 0.76f; else if (Type == ARENA_TEAM_3v3) points *= 0.88f; Replace with: // Type penalties for teams < 5v5 if (Type == ARENA_TEAM_2v2) points *= 0.76f; else if (Type == ARENA_TEAM_3v3) points *= 0.88f; else if (Type == ARENA_TEAM_1v1) //Custom 1v1 Arena Rated points *= 0.70f; /src/server/game/Battlegrounds/ArenaTeam.h Find: enum ArenaTeamTypes{ ARENA_TEAM_2v2 = 2, ARENA_TEAM_3v3 = 3, ARENA_TEAM_5v5 = 5}; Replace with: enum ArenaTeamTypes{ ARENA_TEAM_1v1 = 1, //Custom 1v1 Rated Arena ARENA_TEAM_2v2 = 2, ARENA_TEAM_3v3 = 3, ARENA_TEAM_5v5 = 5}; Find: #define MAX_ARENA_SLOT 3 // 0..2 slots Replace with: #define MAX_ARENA_SLOT 4 // 0..3 slots /src/server/game/Battlegrounds/Battleground.cpp Find: // After 1 minute or 30 seconds, warning is signaled else if (GetStartDelayTime() <= StartDelayTimes[BG_STARTING_EVENT_SECOND] && !(m_Events & BG_STARTING_EVENT_2)) { Add before: // 1v1 Arena - Start arena after 15s, when all players are in arena if(GetArenaType() == ARENA_TYPE_1v1 && GetStartDelayTime() > StartDelayTimes[BG_STARTING_EVENT_THIRD] && (m_PlayersCount[0] + m_PlayersCount[1]) == 2) SetStartDelayTime(StartDelayTimes[BG_STARTING_EVENT_THIRD]); /src/server/game/Battlegrounds/Battleground.h Find: enum ArenaType{ ARENA_TYPE_2v2 = 2, ARENA_TYPE_3v3 = 3, ARENA_TYPE_5v5 = 5}; Replace with: enum ArenaType{ ARENA_TYPE_1v1 = 1, ARENA_TYPE_2v2 = 2, ARENA_TYPE_3v3 = 3, ARENA_TYPE_5v5 = 5}; /src/server/game/Battlegrounds/BattlegroundMgr.cpp Find: for (int qtype = BATTLEGROUND_QUEUE_2v2; qtype <= BATTLEGROUND_QUEUE_5v5; ++qtype) Replace with: for (int qtype = BATTLEGROUND_QUEUE_2v2; qtype <= BATTLEGROUND_QUEUE_1v1; ++qtype) Find: uint32 maxPlayersPerTeam = 0; switch (arenaType) { case ARENA_TYPE_2v2: maxPlayersPerTeam = 2; break; case ARENA_TYPE_3v3: maxPlayersPerTeam = 3; break; case ARENA_TYPE_5v5: maxPlayersPerTeam = 5; break; } Replace with: uint32 maxPlayersPerTeam = 0; switch (arenaType) { case ARENA_TYPE_2v2: maxPlayersPerTeam = 2; break; case ARENA_TYPE_3v3: maxPlayersPerTeam = 3; break; case ARENA_TYPE_5v5: maxPlayersPerTeam = 5; break; case ARENA_TYPE_1v1: maxPlayersPerTeam = 1; break; } Find: BattlegroundMgr::BGQueueTypeId(BattlegroundTypeId bgType Scroll down a little until you see the "switch (arenaType)" Find: switch (arenaType) { case ARENA_TYPE_2v2: return BATTLEGROUND_QUEUE_2v2; case ARENA_TYPE_3v3: return BATTLEGROUND_QUEUE_3v3; case ARENA_TYPE_5v5: return BATTLEGROUND_QUEUE_5v5 default: return BATTLEGROUND_QUEUE_NONE; } Replace with: switch (arenaType) { case ARENA_TYPE_2v2: return BATTLEGROUND_QUEUE_2v2; case ARENA_TYPE_3v3: return BATTLEGROUND_QUEUE_3v3; case ARENA_TYPE_5v5: return BATTLEGROUND_QUEUE_5v5; case ARENA_TYPE_1v1: return BATTLEGROUND_QUEUE_1v1; default: return BATTLEGROUND_QUEUE_NONE; } Find: BattlegroundMgr::BGTemplateId(BattlegroundQueueTypeId Scroll down until you see "switch (bgQueueTypeId)" Find: switch (bgQueueTypeId) { case BATTLEGROUND_QUEUE_WS: return BATTLEGROUND_WS; case BATTLEGROUND_QUEUE_AB: return BATTLEGROUND_AB; case BATTLEGROUND_QUEUE_AV: return BATTLEGROUND_AV; case BATTLEGROUND_QUEUE_EY: return BATTLEGROUND_EY; case BATTLEGROUND_QUEUE_SA: return BATTLEGROUND_SA; case BATTLEGROUND_QUEUE_IC: return BATTLEGROUND_IC; case BATTLEGROUND_QUEUE_RB: return BATTLEGROUND_RB; case BATTLEGROUND_QUEUE_2v2: case BATTLEGROUND_QUEUE_3v3: case BATTLEGROUND_QUEUE_5v5: return BATTLEGROUND_AA; default: return BattlegroundTypeId(0); // used for unknown template (it existed and do nothing) } Replace with: switch (bgQueueTypeId) { case BATTLEGROUND_QUEUE_WS: return BATTLEGROUND_WS; case BATTLEGROUND_QUEUE_AB: return BATTLEGROUND_AB; case BATTLEGROUND_QUEUE_AV: return BATTLEGROUND_AV; case BATTLEGROUND_QUEUE_EY: return BATTLEGROUND_EY; case BATTLEGROUND_QUEUE_SA: return BATTLEGROUND_SA; case BATTLEGROUND_QUEUE_IC: return BATTLEGROUND_IC; case BATTLEGROUND_QUEUE_RB: return BATTLEGROUND_RB; case BATTLEGROUND_QUEUE_2v2: case BATTLEGROUND_QUEUE_3v3: case BATTLEGROUND_QUEUE_5v5: case BATTLEGROUND_QUEUE_1v1: return BATTLEGROUND_AA; default: return BattlegroundTypeId(0); // used for unknown template (it existed and do nothing) } Find: BattlegroundMgr::BGArenaType(BattlegroundQueueTypeId Underneath you'll find "switch (bgQueueTypeId)" Find: switch (bgQueueTypeId) { case BATTLEGROUND_QUEUE_2v2: return ARENA_TYPE_2v2; case BATTLEGROUND_QUEUE_3v3: return ARENA_TYPE_3v3; case BATTLEGROUND_QUEUE_5v5: return ARENA_TYPE_5v5; default: return 0; } Replace with: switch (bgQueueTypeId) { case BATTLEGROUND_QUEUE_2v2: return ARENA_TYPE_2v2; case BATTLEGROUND_QUEUE_3v3: return ARENA_TYPE_3v3; case BATTLEGROUND_QUEUE_5v5: return ARENA_TYPE_5v5; case BATTLEGROUND_QUEUE_1v1: return ARENA_TYPE_1v1; default: return 0; } /src/server/game/Entities/Object/Updates/UpdateFields.h Find: PLAYER_FIELD_COMBAT_RATING_1 = UNIT_END + 0x043B, // Size: 25, Type: INT, Flags: PRIVATE PLAYER_FIELD_ARENA_TEAM_INFO_1_1 = UNIT_END + 0x0454, // Size: 21, Type: INT, Flags: PRIVATE PLAYER_FIELD_HONOR_CURRENCY = UNIT_END + 0x0469, // Size: 1, Type: INT, Flags: PRIVATE PLAYER_FIELD_ARENA_CURRENCY = UNIT_END + 0x046A, // Size: 1, Type: INT, Flags: PRIVATE PLAYER_FIELD_MAX_LEVEL = UNIT_END + 0x046B, // Size: 1, Type: INT, Flags: PRIVATE PLAYER_FIELD_DAILY_QUESTS_1 = UNIT_END + 0x046C, // Size: 25, Type: INT, Flags: PRIVATE PLAYER_RUNE_REGEN_1 = UNIT_END + 0x0485, // Size: 4, Type: FLOAT, Flags: PRIVATE PLAYER_NO_REAGENT_COST_1 = UNIT_END + 0x0489, // Size: 3, Type: INT, Flags: PRIVATE PLAYER_FIELD_GLYPH_SLOTS_1 = UNIT_END + 0x048C, // Size: 6, Type: INT, Flags: PRIVATE PLAYER_FIELD_GLYPHS_1 = UNIT_END + 0x0492, // Size: 6, Type: INT, Flags: PRIVATE PLAYER_GLYPHS_ENABLED = UNIT_END + 0x0498, // Size: 1, Type: INT, Flags: PRIVATE PLAYER_PET_SPELL_POWER = UNIT_END + 0x0499, // Size: 1, Type: INT, Flags: PRIVATE PLAYER_END = UNIT_END + 0x049A Replace with: PLAYER_FIELD_COMBAT_RATING_1 = UNIT_END + 0x043B, // Size: 25, Type: INT, Flags: PRIVATE PLAYER_FIELD_ARENA_TEAM_INFO_1_1 = UNIT_END + 0x0454, // Size: 21, Type: INT, Flags: PRIVATE PLAYER_FIELD_HONOR_CURRENCY = UNIT_END + 0x0469, // Size: 1, Type: INT, Flags: PRIVATE PLAYER_FIELD_ARENA_CURRENCY = UNIT_END + 0x046A, // Size: 1, Type: INT, Flags: PRIVATE PLAYER_FIELD_MAX_LEVEL = UNIT_END + 0x046B, // Size: 1, Type: INT, Flags: PRIVATE PLAYER_FIELD_DAILY_QUESTS_1 = UNIT_END + 0x046C, // Size: 25, Type: INT, Flags: PRIVATE PLAYER_RUNE_REGEN_1 = UNIT_END + 0x0485, // Size: 4, Type: FLOAT, Flags: PRIVATE PLAYER_NO_REAGENT_COST_1 = UNIT_END + 0x0489, // Size: 3, Type: INT, Flags: PRIVATE PLAYER_FIELD_GLYPH_SLOTS_1 = UNIT_END + 0x048C, // Size: 6, Type: INT, Flags: PRIVATE PLAYER_FIELD_GLYPHS_1 = UNIT_END + 0x0492, // Size: 6, Type: INT, Flags: PRIVATE PLAYER_GLYPHS_ENABLED = UNIT_END + 0x0498, // Size: 1, Type: INT, Flags: PRIVATE PLAYER_PET_SPELL_POWER = UNIT_END + 0x0499, // Size: 1, Type: INT, Flags: PRIVATE PLAYER_END = UNIT_END + 0x049A /src/server/game/Miscellaneous/SharedDefines.h Find: enum BattlegroundQueueTypeId{ BATTLEGROUND_QUEUE_NONE = 0, BATTLEGROUND_QUEUE_AV = 1, BATTLEGROUND_QUEUE_WS = 2, BATTLEGROUND_QUEUE_AB = 3, BATTLEGROUND_QUEUE_EY = 4, BATTLEGROUND_QUEUE_SA = 5, BATTLEGROUND_QUEUE_IC = 6, BATTLEGROUND_QUEUE_RB = 7, BATTLEGROUND_QUEUE_2v2 = 8, BATTLEGROUND_QUEUE_3v3 = 9, BATTLEGROUND_QUEUE_5v5 = 10, MAX_BATTLEGROUND_QUEUE_TYPES}; Replace with: enum BattlegroundQueueTypeId{ BATTLEGROUND_QUEUE_NONE = 0, BATTLEGROUND_QUEUE_AV = 1, BATTLEGROUND_QUEUE_WS = 2, BATTLEGROUND_QUEUE_AB = 3, BATTLEGROUND_QUEUE_EY = 4, BATTLEGROUND_QUEUE_SA = 5, BATTLEGROUND_QUEUE_IC = 6, BATTLEGROUND_QUEUE_RB = 7, BATTLEGROUND_QUEUE_2v2 = 8, BATTLEGROUND_QUEUE_3v3 = 9, BATTLEGROUND_QUEUE_5v5 = 10, BATTLEGROUND_QUEUE_1v1 = 11, MAX_BATTLEGROUND_QUEUE_TYPES}; That's the manual edits done! Now to add the 1v1.cpp script: http://pastebin.com/xSsrHh88 And add the creature to the DB: REPLACE INTO `creature_template` VALUES (190016, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 29348, 0, 0, 0, '1v1 Rated Arena', 'WoW-BB', 'Speak', 50001, 71, 71, 2, 35, 35, 3, 1, 1.14286, 1.25, 1, 124, 256, 0, 783, 1, 2000, 0, 1, 2, 2048, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 7, 138936390, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 168000, 190000, '', 0, 3, 1, 1.56, 1.56, 1.56, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 'npc_1v1arena', 12340); If you followed these steps completely, you should have a working 1v1 arena script! UPDATE I have updated the entire post. I have replaced the pastebin script with a completely fresh script and have also provided a fresh creature.
  6. Vitalis - a custom 80 private WotLK 3.3.5a server https://vitalis-wow.com WE ARE HIRING! SQL Developer C++ Developer Web Developer If you are able to fill any these roles, please join our Discord to discuss your potential position. Other positions can be discussed further. These positions are NOT PAID! Please connect to our Discord to learn more about the project and ask us questions. A little bit about our server and our idea... Vitalis is a 3.3.5 Custom Level 80 realm which enables our players to begin exploring fast paced custom content Travel through custom tiers, world bosses, raids, dungeons and custom events while feeling the benefits of WotLK and more! Start with 36 slot bags and 5000g 2500 Custom Items Respeccing is free Instant 80 Cosmetic items drop from bosses/elites/rares Transmog and custom transmog items Custom dungeons/raids All classes available for each race Custom World Bosses Custom Item Sets Custom Leveling Items Custom Currency Custom Season 9 Items Mall area to teleport to Donation NPCs Cross-faction grouping/guilds world PVP enabled AND MUCH, MUCH MORE! Please connect to our Discord to learn more about the project and ask us questions.
  7. YugoWoW was based on my old work but i've remake nearly everything and it's now a really fun server to play. I'll not talk much about it, as you better discover everything yourself when you play it. As you know advertising for server most of times means that it's a pretty low populated but i hope we growup fast. Start Level 55 Max Level 85 Vote and Donor points for been active ingame 10000 Custom Items Custom Gems Custom Mounts All Races & All Classes is Enabled Custom Dungeons Custom regular and Mini Teleporter Transmogrify Custom Command VIP System Special Commands for stuck or combat bug Custom Mounts ( speed ) All Regular items reworked New Class Spells 50 + Spells reworked Balanced Classes Custom World Bosses Custom way of gearing UP 1v1 Arena PVP gear Best gear isn't ( donor ) so it's not a P2W server Donations will always be for the server Much more news coming soon I want to talk about donations, actually all donations will go either to the server by donating following the rules on our discord else donating on website will go for our webhost, and just to note that my country disallow us to have a paypal nor anyway of international payments ... so yeah i'm not here to earn money out from people, i'm here only to public a server that everyone could enjoy i wish i can do more better work. This is our Discord : https://discord.gg/HXbe9Wb
  8. First of all, when i log into my server, i get this "You cannot speak that Language" but then im using the Macro wich fixes it, But i get another one called " You dont know that language " now instead. Any clues of what im missing ?...http://imgur.com/a/gKdrpapparently its something in the database im sure, wich needs to be edited somewhere, its been like 1.5 year ago since i last touched thoose things, ive not the biggest memmory xD.Help would be appreciated Thanks- - - Updated - - -I really need this, otherwise i cannot do anything on my server, since im unable to write, wich means i cannot add npcs or items or such from ingame
  9. Use this guide on how to install Boost for Windows: CLICK HERE I make this tutorial since the tutorials I've found is outdated and dosen't really work now, so I decided to make a new one that I'll keep updated. 1. Getting the required programs You will need to prepare all the programs before you even thinking of compiling. Here a download link with all the programs. I took some time and made a ZIP file with all the programs required. CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD (586.6MB) 2. Getting the source Of course, you need a source of TrinityCore before you can compile it. To get it there is 2 ways,but we are going to focus on the best one. Open up Git Extentions Choose your language, I recommend using English since this tutorial is in english. Close the first window that will pop up, a new one will appear right after At the links at the left side, press "Clone Repository" Fill out the following data: Repository to clone: https://github.com/TrinityCore/TrinityCore.gitDesination: C:\TrinitySubdirectory to create: SourceBranch: 3.3.5Repository Type: Personal Repository Now, hit Clone and let it get the repository for you All done so far. You are now getting the source of TrinityCore's 3.3.5a. Later on I willmake a guide on how to make a 6.1.2 Server. 3. Cmake Now we are going to build the source we just downloaded. Open up Cmake Fill out the following data: Where is the source code: C:\Trinity\SourceWhere to build the binaries: C:\Trinity\Build Press Configure Locate "Visual Studio 12 2013" in the dropdown list Now select eh option "Use Default Native Compilers (default) Press Finish then let it load When it is finished, there is a bunch of check boxes in the field that was emty, add the checkbox "TOOLS" Press "Generate" 4. Compiling the server Now,we can finally compile the server itself. This part will take some time and slow down your PC, VPS, Dedicated Server w/e. So playing games and such while doing this will not work. Ecept maybe Playing PacMan, but what do I know... Open up the build folder located in C:\Trinity\ Open up the file "TrinityCore.sln At the top navbar of Visual Studio 2013, hit "BUILD" and then "Build Sulotion" Now, let it load for a while. Go and shop some food, drink some water, milk w/e because this willlsow down your PC and take time. Once it's done, go to the folder "bin" in the build folder, then "Release" and there is your server! Now what you need to do is get the right databases. There is tutorials around the web on how you get the databases. Credit to Djundead
  10. Divine-WoW is going to be launching with a brand new core with 100's of fixes and a fresh database, hopefully sooner then later but to provide a great experience We need to perfect the Core and Database, We will keep You posted on Our website. The website we have now is just to act as a Traffic and Information website until we finish our work. SIGN UP ON OUR CLOSED-BETA FORM TO TEST THE SERVER BEFORE IT LAUNCHES, the Closed-Beta will be live on the 22nd of April(this month) - Sign up on Our website using the Closed-Beta form. - http://divine-wow.net Thank You for Your patience! _____________________________________________ Social Media _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ Story of Divine-WoW: Divine-WoW started in early 2015 and closed after development was completed with 100s of fixes and end game content tested We were satisfied with the work We, and Our community had achieved, We look to launch the best Server of 2016 and have the best community a private Server can provide, and We will continue to work on achieving that goal so Our community can grow and thrive. To all the Old Members of Divine-WoW: We are sorry for the sudden close on Our realms, We promise to provide a 1 month notice in the future if we run into financial issues or any kind of theft, Let us know VIA the forums if You had a Character on Our 3.3.5a Progressive Blizzlike Realm, and We will restore it. _____________________________________________ We will keep You posted on Our development! http://divine-wow.net/
  11. I think a lot of people struggle with making their World of Warcraft private server public so that their friends can connect and play with them. This is not as difficult as you think and here are the basic steps to make it public: Step 1 - Assign Your Computer a Static IP Address Follow this URL/Guide on how to do this on different operating system versions. Note: If you don't do this and your LAN IP address changes, people will NOT be able to connect to your server/computer. You need to give your computer a static LAN IP address that never changes (for example or depending on your routers IP). Step 2 - Portforward the Realmlist and Worldserver Ports Follow this URL/Guide on how to do this using different router makes/models. The following ports MUST be forwarded using your new static local IP which you setup in step 1: 3724 - Realmlist port 8085 - Worldserver port Step 3 - Edit your Auth > Realmlist table Visit our sister website IPGetter.com to get your internets IP address. Open your database via HeidiSQL or preferred SQL program, go into the "auth" database and open the "realmlist" table. There, change the address from "" to the IP address taken from IPGetter.com. Save, close and success! You're done!.
  12. Naxxramas 10 Obsidian Sanctum 10 Vaults of Archavon 10 now released! Want to Join us but don't want to leave your hard work behind? We are now offering a Character Migration to our realm from your old one! also PROMOTIONAL OFFER: FREE Level 80 Character Boost, Full Riding Provided, 1000G and also Dungeon HC Gear! We are now ready to release our amazing and well scripted blizzlike realm onto the public, Thanks to lots and lots of hard work from the team and the testers that spent their time finding bugs and allowing us to fix them we now have a stable and well fixed core that is ready for release. The Realm: The Realm is a 3.3.5 WOTLK Progressive Server which will begin at level 1 all the way to level 80, Players will be able to level at x7 rates while also being able to do everything that was once possible in retail while leveling. Professions, Spells, Talents and Glyphs are working as intended and the damage per class is scaled to how blizzard once had it in Wrath of the Lich King. We also have Cataclysm and Mists of Pandaria Mounts and Pets available to players as rewards and also have Transmogrification sets available also. Using these expand our horizon upon bringing the latest released Blizzlike realm and creating an Impact with allowing players extra features to enjoy their game-play. We also have Seasonal Events and Quests for players to enjoy and earn some fun items from. The Staff: Runic-WoW has a dedicated and highly professional staff team who are available to help the community with their needs. The team are here to help and do their job accordingly whilst also handling issues when required. If you ever have an issue in-game you can always feel free to make a ticket in-game or head to our forums and a member of staff will deal with your issue as a professional. Information regarding the realm: Name - Vanguard Realm XP Rate x7 - Quest, Exploration, Drop Rates, Reputation and x2 Profession Rates Progressive Server - Will be releasing Naxxramas as first available. Starter Heirlooms - Vendor at every starter place. Transmogrification - Transmogrification Available in every Capital City Improved Anti-Cheat System - Allows us to manage and keep track of hackers / bug exploiters easier. Instant Flight Paths - Fly to your Location Immediately Cata / Mop Mounts - Used for Rewarding our players in a unique style! Cata/MoP Pets - Used for Rewarding our players with an Awesome looking pet! Cata/MoP Items - Used for Transmogrification as Rewards or directly through the store! Spells on Levelup Script - Get your spells instantly if they are available for your level 24/7 Uptime - Guarenteed Uptime with only a few minutes downtime due to restarts! Constant bug-fixes - 24/7 Bug-Fixes for your reports to our developers! Friendly, Active and Professional Staff - Our Professional and Active team is here to help with your problems. No Pay to Win Gear! - We Guarentee no Pay to win gear to give players a unfair advantage over others! Future for Runic-WoW: Our future is simple. Open a new Blizzlike Realm with a Custom Expansion which will include: New features like Mentors, item upgrades, new raids, dungeons, world pvp zone, new continent, new spells for all classes Custom Dungeon Finder guide custom models custom quest line and much more! We are currently writing the story line and making it behind the scenes. Within the next few months we will be adding these features onto our developer realm and making these new and unique additions become a reality. Runic-WoW is hoping to have this custom expansion released by the beginning - mid of next year and will be a fantastic way to bring a new style of 3.3.5 expansion. Facebook Twitter Website Forums Happy Gaming!
  13. Hey, simontb again. I dont have much knowledge with coding. So i would like to ask if someone can give or make me a script that sets haste cap to 200. with 0.00 speed when you hit 200 haste I would pay for it, but i got no money. Thanks for reading this, have a great day wowbb's! ~Simontb And its for trinitycore 3.3.5 If that helps idk.
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